Category: Plumbing Tips

3 Plumbing Problems to Watch Out for in Hot Weather

Though it may feel like spring is just beginning to get underway, summer will be here before you know it. Especially here in California, it doesn’t take long for the temperatures to skyrocket. After years of living here, you’re probably accustomed to the spring and summer heat. Unfortunately, the same is not always true for… Read more »

Galvanized Pipes: What They Are & Why You Need to Replace Them

Most people don’t give their plumbing a second thought until there’s a problem. Plumbing problems don’t always start off small and harmless though. That’s why it’s important to be proactive where you can when it comes to your home’s plumbing system. If you live in an older home, one thing you can do to prevent… Read more »

3 Bad Habits That Are Damaging Your Plumbing

How often do you think about your plumbing system? If you’re like most people, then you probably don’t think about it at all until there’s an issue. While it’s impossible to predict every leak, obstruction, or burst pipe, there are some things that are in your control when it comes to keeping your plumbing in… Read more »

The 3 Most Common DIY Plumbing Mistakes That People Make

There are a lot of people who love the do-it-yourself (DIY) approach when it comes to household projects. It’s easy to see why; not only do you save the money you would spend on a professional, but you also get the satisfaction of knowing you did the work on your own. When it comes to… Read more »

How to Thaw a Frozen Pipe

Even here in sunny California, we’re susceptible to some of the unpleasant winter effects that come along with frosty temperatures. For you, it may just mean investing in a heavier jacket. For your pipes, however, even California winter weather can be detrimental! If you turn on your faucet in the middle of January and nothing… Read more »